Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Will Diet Soda Make Me Fat By David Thorpe

healthy diet for weight loss
Does diet soda make you fat? Are sugar - free soft drinks just as bad for your health and your weight loss as the full - sugar possibility? Find out here...
I m going to start off by supplication you all a issue... Hands up if you ve terrifically chosen diet soda seeing it s the " healthy " option.
Wow! That s a lot of hands.
Now, hands up if you ve overly been standing at a vending tool, out for a meal or in a store and heard somebody else comment on their choice of diet soda.
" I m dieting. Only diet soda for me! "
Or my old favorite:
" Diet soda is good for you, did you know it has no sugar content at all? "
That s a lot of hands! Man, that s nearly all of you, apart from the dude that has fallen distressed at the back of the room...
Thanks guys, you can put them down now. I don t want to tire you out!
Well it might shock you to learn that there is absolutely nix even remotely healthy about diet soda!
Artificial Sweeteners Can Be Fattening
Sugar free soft drinks interpolate zero sugar and zero calories thanks to artificial sweeteners. But you will be confused to discover that they can still make you fat.
Even more frightening, there is a good chance that " diet " drinks are precisely MORE fattening than their full - sugar brothers and sisters.
Wait a minute, what the deuce!?
Your Body s Digestion Of Artificial Sweeteners
You re plain prompt aware of this gospel, but it s not necessarily the number of calories that you eat in a day that can cause you to get fat. It has more to do with the type of calories you eat and your body s hormonal response to them.
Even though diet soda contains virtually no calories at all, the artificial sweeteners inside trick your body. This results in a hormonal response similar to eating a ton of sugar!
A great sampling of a negative hormonal response caused by artificial sweeteners is the reduction in serotonin production. This natural chemical is produced by the body to help control appetite ( as well as other things ). The chemical sweetener Aspartame, endow in diet cola and a host of other soft drinks, well blocks serotonin production.
A lack of serotonin levels has a negative effect on your body. It causes you to crave the type of foods that will kick - start the production on serotonin once more.

Unfortunately the craving signals your body is sending you aren t for the fruit and veg isle. Your body is sending you straight to the processed, sugar - loaded junk food section. Darn those waistline expanding foods!
So there you have it; sugar free soda is encouraging your cravings for junk food. Bad data.
Your Insulin Response
Scientists besides suspect that no - calorie sweeteners trigger the release of insulin in your body. ( Insulin is released by your pancreas to allow your cells to swig blood sugar and provide energy ).
The problem here is that your body has been tricked into releasing insulin, but there is no sugar to process. When your body realizes this it triggers your appetite and tells you to go out and get some!
Again you will be experiencing strong junk food cravings as you search for that " quick sugar fix ". But as we all know, the quick fix is closely followed by a " crash " and in conclusion more hunger pains and cravings. Not to mention the reality the sugar low leaves you feeling extreme!
How many times a day do you go for a " sugar hit ". It feels good for a future doesn t it, but shortly afterwards you caress tired and lagging. Wouldn t you like to snog goodbye to junk food cravings forever? I gamble your waistline would love you to!
Drinking Diet Soda Causes Obesity?
A study conducted at the University of Texas has proven some very frightening links between drinking diet soft drinks and obesity.
The study was based on 8 years of data and looked at the links between soft drinks and weight gain. The study was managed by Sharon Fowler.
" What didn t surprise us was that total soft drink use was linked to overweight and obesity, " Fowler tells WebMD. " What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks, their risk of obesity was even higher. "
In fact, the researchers found that nearly all of the obesity risk came from diet sodas.
" There was a 41 % increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day. "
I think the results of this study are very conclusive. It just goes to show that diet soda is not the " healthy " alternative that soft drinks companies would have us believe. If you are serious about your health, and serious about losing weight then you need to leave soda on the shelf.

healthy diet for weight loss

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