Monday, February 10, 2014

6 Weight Loss Tips That Will Make You Lose Weight Quickly And Keep It Off

healthy diet for weight loss

Everyone desires to lose weight and because the motivation may be an upcoming event, the phrase quickly is usually tacked on. In the moment, we may also feel we dont care if we gain it back again as long as we look great for the reunion, the wedding or the vacation. There are a lot of dos and donts, weight loss tips and facts that says losing weight can get overwhelming. Dont be discourage. Outlined below is a simplified and easy to grasp way to lose weight quickly and not gain it back again. Simply adhere to these 6 simple steps.

Consume plenty of water. A lot of diet books put this as an afterthought, close to the end of the instructions. Actually, its the most important thing you can do as you embark on your path to losing belly fat quickly and gaining that attractive body that you have always wanted. Water is important not because it fills you up so that youre less hungry, even though that is a benefit. Its because it will get things moving. Think of a dish left overnight in the sink. The food is dried on and you have to run hot water over it to loosen it up. Drinking water loosens your metabolism. Your body begins to release fat cells. Your body also releases water weight because it now understands that it has plenty of water coming in. One more plus, water helps to get rid of toxins in the body so youll not only have more energy but your complexion will begin to glow. Therefore, consume 8 to 10 glasses of water every day before six p.m..

This one is straightforward and to the point. No fat, no sugar, no white flour. Actually, you can have some fat, like the Omega 3s and 9s such as fish oil, olive oil, salmon, walnuts and avocados. However, make these very small servings. Not so with sugar and white flour. They are like cocaine to our bodies, extremely addictive and incredibly harmful. It may not seem like a cookie is a big deal, just like it may not seem one drink is so bad to the alcoholic, but it is. Dont do it. If you take a bite, spit it out. Get control. It is possible to do this. Theres an old saying- "Nothing tastes as good as fit feels."

Eat five times a day, every two and a half to 3 hrs up till 6 p.m. Your body will quickly adjust to this. Suddenly your body recognizes that it is being fed consistently and will permit itself to expend energy by burning up fat. Dont eat anything after six oclock. If its challenging for you to refrain from eating in the night hours, turn off the TV! Those advertisements are targeted at making you hungry. Go for a walk, call a friend, read a book, do 20 jumping jacks. Again, get control. You can do this.

Eat high protein low carb. Make your meals simple. One protein and one carbohydrate is all you need. Examples include baked chicken breast and broccoli, hard broiled eggs and tomato slices or tuna and celery. Carbs ought to be fibrous, not starchy. And yes, you CAN eat too much salad, even if there is no fat in it. What does a cow eat? Grass. Is there fat in grass? No. Is there fat on a cow? Yes. Too many carbohydrates can and will be stored as fat.

Exercise. Ahh, the dreaded word. So very difficult to do and so good for you. Our bodies were not designed to be inactive and stagnant. We were given arms and legs to move around and to experience life, so get out there and experience it. Walk for 45 mins on a regular basis, minimum every other day. Health experts say its far better if you can raise your heart rate for at least a consecutive 20 mins but doing exercises for shorter intervals is still really beneficial. So you cant go 45? Then take 10 minutes and run instead. You can do anything for 10 minutes, correct? Perhaps you can find 10 mins in the morning and 10 at night.

Dont gain it back again. This is the tricky one. In order to hold onto the new trim, you have to change a couple of ideas in your head. First, remember that once youve accomplished something constantly for 3 weeks it turns into a habit. So, be very pleased. Youve developed some darn good habits. Now, you need to determine if the objective of living is to eat or if the objective of eating is to live. Food is but a fuel to power our bodies by means of life. Dont make it the reason for getting up in the morning. Dedicate yourself to actively take part in life and forget about food. That doesnt mean you have to stay on a diet the rest of your life. Go ahead, splurge. Just be mindful and monitor your weight weekly. If you reach a gain of 5 pounds, take a week to get back again on board. Chances are that your habits are now so good and so rewarding, you wont want to modify them too much. It is possible to lose belly fat quickly
Lose Weight Tips and Warnings:
  • Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water may be hard for some. The trick is to get at least 2 glasses down before 9 a.m.
  • Dont think about it too hard and get all caught up in the process. Write out a daily plan and then let it go.
  • Look in the mirror and tell yourself you can do it every morning. Eventually, youll believe it and when you do, it will get so much easier.
  • Check with a medical doctor before beginning any new diet and exercise program.
The Weight Loss Tips Group provides expert tips and advices on how to generate guaranteed weight loss and obtain that firm body that you have always desired. The Weight Loss Tips Group shows you why you may not have been able to lose weight and give you the tools you need to start slimming down today.
Our mission is to educate both men and women on weight loss and help them maintain a healthy diet and nutrition.

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healthy diet for weight loss

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