Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How Your Mind Set Is Keeping You Overweight

healthy diet for weight loss

If you are overweight and have tried diets and other weight loss remedies before without long term success then you might want to take a different approach. Chances are your mind-set will be holding you back and keeping you from losing weight for good. Lets explore why this is the case.
First off, lets have a look at the self management sequence. This refers to the driving force behind all of your actions and everything you do. It pretty much goes like this:
Your actions are created by your feelings. Your feelings are created by your attitudes, Your attitudes are created by your beliefs, and your beliefs are created by your programming.
What this means is that your programming or subconscious, is going to determine exactly what you do on a day to day basis by running through the self management sequence. This programming is essentially the foundation and if you want to perform the right actions to achieve a result then you need to make sure that your subconscious wiring is supporting, not sabotaging your efforts.
So how does this relate to your weight?
Well, if you dont have the right programming and mind-set then your actions arent going to get your that result. So youre not going to stick with a diet for long. Youre not going to be able to say no to that dessert. Youre not going to get up early for that short exercise session. Essentially, without the right mind-set, your actions will never be in line with the result you want to achieve.
If you have ever tried a diet, lost some weight, and put that weight back on again, only to go and look for another diet and repeat the process, youll almost certainly have the wrong mind-set for permanent weight loss. Sure, you might see a short term result, but invariably youre going to end up putting that weight back on again soon after.
Most people only focus on the nutrition and exercise side of things when they try to lose weight. This is woefully insufficient because theres no way youre going to be able to make consistently positive decisions about nutrition and exercise is your mind-set and programming are wrong.
So before you even consider trying another diet or weight loss programme, please do focus on developing that positive, long term weight loss mind-set. If you dont youll be sure to keep struggling.
Toby is a recognized fat loss expert and health coach. He works mainly with women over 30, helping them escape yo-yo dieting and rebound weight gain and lose weight forever. He is currently offering a limited number of free 1 month trials to his weight loss membership site and permanent weight loss system, Fully Fat Free.
For your free trial, visit http://totalfatlosssolution.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toby_Edge

healthy diet for weight loss

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