Sunday, March 2, 2014

How Many Calories Can I Eat to Lose Weight

healthy diet for weight loss
For most of my life it seemed like I was eternally trying to lose weight. Have you ever felt like that? I would try this, then that... then this and that. But nothing really seemed to work - not in a major way, until I started to doing one thing. Do you know what it is? I lost 60 lbs this way... Ill give you a clue. It wasnt counting calories. Since I lost the weight I hear this question all the time "How Many Calories Can I Eat To Lose Weight?". Well the truth is I didnt have to count calories to lose the weight and you wont either.

How Many Calories Can I Eat To Lose Weight?

I still had about 30 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I had gained a total of 50 lbs with the pregnancy. Slowly (ohh so slowly) the weight was creeping off as I had began to be more active again. Then one late night I saw an informerical for P90X. From all the video testimonials I could tell it was the real deal. I began to get excited about the possibility of being able to lose the rest of the weight and doing it only 90 days. So I decided to take on the challenge. I got online, ordered P90X, then waited anxiously in anticipation for it to arrive. I know youre probably wondering - well what does this have to do with "How Many Calories Can I Eat To Lose Weight?" Im going to reveal that to you in just a moment. You see its because I ordered P90X that night, that I learned how to eat to lose weight. It was in the P90X Nutrition Guide that I learned, the question is not "How Many Calories Can I Eat To Lose Weight?" but rather "Which Foods Can I Eat..."

How Many Calories Can I Eat To Lose Weight? - The Truth

Here is the absolute truth if you are trying to lose weight! This is what I learned during those 90 days...

You do not HAVE to count calories to lose weight. What helped me and can help anyone lose 60 lbs and even more is - TO EAT CLEAN.

Eat Clean and Lose Weight

Eating clean means eating whole, natural, unrefined, unprocessed foods. That means ideally foods that dont even come in a package or have a label for you to read how many calories are in it. These are primarily all your fresh fruits & veggies, lean meats, whole grains, beans, nuts etc (Of course sometimes they come in a package but this is to give you a general idea of what types of foods you can eat.

Another way to look at is by asking another question - Is what I am going to eat REAL food. 

Gummy bears are not REAL food (they cant be grown, harvested, and never walked the earth or swam in an ocean). Trust me, the gummy bears may be fat free but they are NOT helping you lose weight. I learned the tough way, battling my weight for years. Read on... because youll want to know how many people are being duped in their quest to lose weight.

The Caveman Diet

Ive also heard eating clean referred to as the caveman diet. This may also help illustrate what is acceptable to eat or not - Essentially if the food existed 3,000 years ago (or whenever the heck cavemen walked the earth) then its OK to eat. If not... then it could be questionable. Heres the kicker - many of the typical foods that are advertised as diet or fat free or low calorie are actually processed foods with refined sugar (not good). This includes the most cereals, breakfast bars, diet soda, and fat free or low fat cookies or other snacks.
How to Avoid the Traps

The #1 things I look for on a food label is not the amount of calories, its not the fat grams or even the carbs. The #1 thing I look at is the INGREDIENT LIST. If you are eating clean, this will tell you everything you need to know. Generally, the fewer the ingredients the better. 

Also youll want to look out for sugar or artificial sugar on the ingredient list (BEWARE: 

Many things are advertised as sugar free but all that means is it has fake sugar like high fructose corn syrup. Refined sugar = bad. High fructose corn syrup = just as bad!) If youre able to eliminate sugar & artificial sweeteners from your diet (or limit it as much as possible) you will lose weight, improve your health and feel more energetic.

How Many Calories Can I Eat To Lose Weight? - The Answer

Now you know the answer to the question How Many Calorie Can I Eat To Lose Weight? Its not really a matter of how many calories as it is WHICH foods you choose to eat. Make smart choices! Eat clean! Feel great!

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healthy diet for weight loss

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