Friday, February 14, 2014

5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

healthy diet for weight loss
By Sheila Bell
The amount of overweight people in our society is rapidly increasing. The majority of overweight people want to lose weight and get healthy but the thought of beginning an exercise routine and continuing it long term seems to difficult.

Regular exercise should be included in every weight loss program. However many people find it difficult to maintain an exercise routine and quit. Is there a way to lose weight without exercise?

The good news is there are some simple ways to lose weight without exercising.

Do Not Drink Soda

Because soda is a drink and not a food, we tend to overlook the fact that it contains a lot of calories which contain no nutritional benefit. Drinking one 12 ounce can of cola daily can cause you to gain 15 pounds in a year.

Eliminating soda from your diet can be instrumental in helping you lose some of the unwanted pounds.

Snack on Fruits And Vegetables

When you find yourself getting hungry between meals, reach for something healthy like a piece of fruit instead of cakes and cookies.

Fruits are naturally sweet and can be an effective way to curb your appetite and sweet cravings.

Be Aware Of The Amount Of Food You Are Consuming

If you want to lose weight without exercise, a good place to start is scaling back on the size of your meals.

Whatever amount you would typically eat cut it in half and dont return for seconds. If you are still feeling a little hungry have a glass of water or some vegetables.

Scaling back on the amount of food you eat at each meal will significantly cut calories and help you lose weight.

Consume Eight or More Glasses Of Water Daily

Water plays a vital role in our bodies. It is responsible for keeping our internal organs functioning properly.

Not only does water cleanse our system, it can also help you cut back on calories because if drinking all throughout the day, it will help you stay full and help reduce the desire to snack. Also, substituting water for sweet drinks high in calories and sugar can be instrumental in helping you lose the unwanted pounds.

You should be drinking at least eight glasses of water each day.

Use The Stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible is a simple but effective way to your body moving a bit more. Taking the stairs may require a little extra effort but its an easy way to increase your calorie burn.

Simple little changes like this can have a long and lasting positive on your health and your waistline.

Losing weight doesnt have to be hard but it does require dedication and commitment. Making simple lifestyle changes like the ones mentioned above can help you lose weight without exercise.

Even though it is possible to lose weight without exercise, you will lose more weight and improve your health by adding an exercise plan to your life.

About the Author:

healthy diet for weight loss

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