Sunday, February 23, 2014

Cardio workouts summer weight loss

healthy diet for weight loss
Its Summer time, which means time for leisure travel, holidays. This in turn means that you can alchoices grab a bag and go to your favorite gym to do your regular workout, in a word - to engage in sports according to established habits. But this does not mean that you are unable to care for her figure.
We offer a list of sporting activities and the calories you could burn if they practice, prepared by experts of the magazine Shape. Even if you are on vacation, or the village where you thought of leaving, just look around and think that you can not select something from this list - Ham fun, yet useful.

1. Running up stairs
Everywhere you can find the stairs. This "cardio equipment" is one of the most useful and neither should you carry in a suitcase when traveling, or to search his place, but remember that you need comfortable shoes. You can also add some weights to hold in their hands: dumbbells, heavy books, bottles of mineral water.
Affect primarily the muscles of the legs - thighs, hamstrings, glutes on. For your cardiovascular system will also benefit. If you run fast enough for 30 minutes will burn 450 calories. Ideally, more if you exercise at least 3 times a week, why not 5 times.

2. Running (speed 16 km per hour)
Very effective workout, load virtually all muscle groups. Be careful what you stand occupy during running - keep your back straight, look toward the horizon, move a comfortable and natural step for you - not small, do not make huge strides.
30 minutes - 375 calories

3. Water polo
Naturally it is practiced in the pool. Strengthening the muscles of the arms, back, abdominal muscles and those of the legs. And watch the others fight to win, play an active, fun!
30 minutes - 300 calories

4. Fast swimming style crawl
Burning fat will be the difference between water temperature and aerobic exercise. Work in practice all the muscles. To enhance the effect, increase speed, and if youre a good swimmer - you can add 3s to your legs.
30 minutes - 285 calories

5. Jump rope
You will not outweigh the cord if you put in your luggage. Jump in for 15-30 minutes without interruption. Remember to follow pusla to you in an aerobic mode.
30 minutes - 270 calories.

6. Cycling (20 mph)
This sport is not very heavy aerobic workout if you drive more equal, but very useful. If you choose a hilly area, things change depending on the terrain. It is best to choose a site where there will be alternating: flat, hilly area, downhill.
Beginners should start with 25-30 minutes of workout, and have prepared to ride bikes at least 60 minutes.
Beware of the pulse - 135-140 beats per minute.
30 minutes - 267 calories

7. Aqua-aerobics
Workout bonus. Will spend additional calories to maintain body temperature. You can use the burdens on legs or put special weight belt at the waist.
30 minutes - 265 calories

8. Beach Volleyball
This workout will help except for burning calories and shape muscles of the legs, back, arms, crunches. With the greater speed move, the better.
30 minutes - 263 calories

9. Diving (underwater swimming)
If you think it is easy to swim under water, you will see that it is not, especially if you have at least 30 minutes to do this because you have to overcome undercurrent. Strengthen muscles, it is helpful to the cardiovascular system. All conversion processes are accelerated mode. You need an instructor, however, at least in the beginning!
30 minutes - 180 calories

10. Water skis
Very nice workout, especially for women. Any problem areas will be charged: abdomen, lower back, arms, legs. Develop stamina, coordination, muscle strength. Should try to keep during the ride to keep the back straight.
30 minutes - 177 calories

healthy diet for weight loss

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